Top 3 Safety Applications for Warehouse Security Cages

SpaceGuard Products is committed to helping businesses keep their employees and facilities safe. June is National Safety Month. Our warehouse security cages, or as they are typically called—drivers access cages, not only provide security and safety for your employees, but for your facility and inventory.

1. Control Access Doors—Drivers access cages protect your employees and manufacturing warehouse by limiting access to truck drivers or guests. Drivers cages provide secure building access by preventing unauthorized personnel from entering your facility through an unlocked entrance, such as in the dock area.

Also, these cages can come equipped with service windows to provide guests a counter to sign and pick up paperwork limiting interaction with your employees.

Other options include adding a roof, two- or three-sided cages, panic bar doors, and various locking alternatives, such as key and keyless entry, push-button code entry, and badge entry.

2. Manage Employee Safety—By utilizing these wire mesh access cages throughout your facility, in areas such as forklift paths or welding areas, you can help prevent potentially hazardous accidents from happening to your employees or guests.

3. Protect Valuable Inventory—Limiting unauthorized personnel from roaming your facility, protects your valuable inventory from accidentally “walking off.” Also, tool cages or cribs provide an additional security level to protect your tools, inventory, and other assets from theft.

Don’t forget to ask about our Quick-Ship program. After signed approval drawings, most standard FordLogan and BeastWire Mesh products ship within 3-5 business days.

Call Customer Service for a quick quote and more information. We are happy to assist you as quickly as we can. 1-800-841-0680

Also, throughout the month of June, we will feature additional safety products. Next up…Rack Safety Panels. Learn how to prevent fire damage and stay NFPA compliant!

Request a Quote Now!

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