Need a Controlled Area For Damaged Products? BeastWire Has You Covered!


Do you need a quality control area to keep damaged items secure while it is waiting on an inspection? Then you are not alone.

One company had an issue where possible defective products were disappearing before they had an opportunity to inspected them and determine their functionality. As a result, they reached out to Smith Material Handling, who immediately called SpaceGuard Products.


Smith Material Handling has been selling BeastWire Product line for many years, and they know the versatility it offers. BeastWire Mesh cages come fully welded with standard 10-gauge or 6-gauge wire providing unrivaled strength and stability.

For this project, SpaceGuard customer service designed a two-sided wire mesh cage that was 12’8″ h x 20’6″ w with a 5’x7′ sliding door. It attached to the back wall of the facility and along an already existing cage providing a secure area to store products they did not want to “walk-off”.

Smith Material Handling installed the cage quickly and easily with the BeastWire universal panels and posts. These panels stack between universal posts for a secure and straightforward installation. And, for added protection, all the hardware bolts on the protected side of the cage—meaning it is tamper-proof and your valuables are safe inside.


After installing, the customer loved the quality of our BeastWire cage so much; they decided to replace an existing competitor’s cage with another BeastWire product. For us, that is as good as it gets.

Want to keep people out and protect your valuables? BeastWire Mesh has you covered!

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