Weapons Storage Meets National Security with BeastWire


When dealing with firearms, security is paramount. Safely stored weapons are under lock and key. However, for the men and women serving at the Berlin Vermont National Guard Armory, it is important for their arms to be readily accessible.

During a recent renovation, this concern was raised. Maintaining ample storage space for munitions was also a priority. Would there be a way to fulfill these seemingly conflicting goals? Yes – the BeastWire product addressed these issues and performed beyond expectations.


The Army National Guard of the United States must maintain preparedness for civil defense, disaster relief, and other vital duties. As part of this ongoing task, the Berlin Vermont National Guard Armory was recently renovated. The project focus was on updating aging equipment and increasing livability.

Berlin’s armory acts as a local office and gathering point for National Guard service members and staff. But, of course, the armory must also serve as storage for weapons and munitions. The proposed renovations were needed to address this crucial storage function.

In the interest of security, details about the quantity and type of arms stored at the Berlin Vermont National Guard Armory are restricted. But as you can imagine, any armory’s inventory of weapons would be considerable. Certain materials had been stored behind an aging wire mesh room partition.

An adequate replacement wire mesh partition room was needed. Beyond accommodating the armory’s space requirements, renovations to storage space also needed to be secure. Fittings would need to be robust, intrusion-resistant, and easily locked.


Partition Plus, a distributor of bathroom stalls, washroom accessories, Division 10 products, and room dividers was tasked, by the contractor conducting the renovations, with supplying a new wire mesh room partition that would address the above-mentioned needs.

Partition Plus staff turned to SpaceGuard and BeastWire to produce the required wire mesh partition. The distributor knew if any company could offer an affordable, strong mesh partition, it was SpaceGuard. This is especially true given BeastWire’s widespread reputation for securing firearms and ammunition in homes, at retail locations, and in police stations and military bases.

Shortly after the initial request, SpaceGuard provided plans for a custom wire mesh partition to create the Berlin Vermont National Guard Armory weapons vault. The contractor and customer approved the design and within days of the order, the components were arriving at the National Guard Armory job site.


SpaceGuard delivered on the expectations for the wire mesh partition room, allowing the contractor to remain on schedule and within budget. The Berlin Vermont National Guard Armory was very pleased with the security and usability of the new weapons storage solution.

Partition Plus now advertises BeastWire on their online store and is happy to quote any wire mesh room partition project.

*Case Study submitted by Partition Plus.

“I wouldn’t dream of going anywhere else for a wire mesh project. It was quick, easy, and the customer loved it. What more could you ask for?”
—Bill Milam, of the Online Sales Team at Partition Plus

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