The Beast Secures Kong For Another Day!

“They had seen the BeastWire online and the fact that they were already interested in this product means that I didn’t even have to offer other rack security products. BeastWire is a great value and is made by a company that makes a great product. I had done other projects with BeastWire and was able to send the clients pictures so that they could see it was a great looking product that would also provide the protection necessary.” —Mike Callahan, DACO Corporation

Learn how the BEAST goes above and beyond to provide additional security for the other beast—the Kong!

When Mike Callahan with DACO Corporation—a long-standing distributor for SpaceGuard Products, found out that his customer was interested in BeastWire Rack Safety Guarding, he didn’t need to look any further. He knew that BeastWire was an exceptional product and would provide the security his customer required.

“The client had complete faith in Mike to not only have their best interests at heart when proposing a solution but also to take care of their needs in the best possible way throughout the process.”—excerpt from MHEDA Journal, The BEAST Secures Kong for Another Day

Click on the link below to read the entire article written by the MHEDA Journal (bottom right on pg. 59). Then contact us directly at 812.523.3044 or [email protected]. Let our Customer Service Team and the BEAST provide you with an exceptional product and great service for your customers!

The BEAST Secures Kong for Another Day!

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